
America's Roadmap to Prosperity

America's Roadmap to Prosperity is through Leadership, Innovation, Operations, Security and enabling Technologies that increases labor productivity, labor demand and labor market freedom for workers to create jobs, increase real total compensation and build retirement wealth by replacing our tax, work benefit and social support systems with a tax on sales and services to the public, contributions to our own Flexible Savings Accounts and four refunds.


  • Replace all federal taxes with a 20% inclusive tax on sales and services to the public to reduce direct, compliance and efficiency costs of the tax-benefit system. This will increase the productivity of US workers making the US more competitive globally, increase demand for US workers, increase labor freedom and decrease inequality.


  • Make 15% to 45% contributions to one's own Flexible Savings Account (FSA) to replace work benefits and social support which will increase labor productivity, labor demand and labor market freedom for workers that will create jobs, increase real total compensation, build retirement wealth and place the control of work benefits and social support in the hands of the individual.


  • Structure healthcare insurance to cover 100% of the average cost of medical products and services. Set the deductible at $3,170 for a rolling 12-month period. Use transparent prices and their average cost to set what is covered by insurance, paid as a healthcare insurance deductible or paid as a co-payment. Finance healthcare insurance with a Healthcare Insurance Refund that is means tested. This refund would be deposited monthly into individuals’ FSAs to pay for healthcare insurance premiums and reduced $1.00 for every $1.00 of the first 15% of income that is contributed to one's own FSA. Individual’s own contributions to their FSAs will be used to pay for the portion of healthcare insurance premiums not paid by the Healthcare Insurance Refund up to the full cost of healthcare insurance as means testing reduces government support. This will facilitate the creation of a functioning healthcare market and one healthcare insurance risk pool lowering healthcare cost up to 50%.


  • Create a Standard Refund for all citizens and legal residents to receive an initial amount of $3,170 plus $264 per month there after deposited into their FSA to cover the $3,170 healthcare insurance deductible. This will facilitate the creation and operation of a functioning healthcare market contributing to healthcare effectiveness and efficiency.


  • Create an Income Support Refund of $1,321 per month reduced $.50 for every $1.00 in wage, disability, unemployment, retirement and other government service/support income to replace all 80 plus social programs resulting in increased labor market freedom and government effectiveness and efficiency. The refund would be deposited into the individual’s bank account (85%) and FSA (15%) unless greater contributions are selected by the individual.


  • Create a one-time Education Refund of $15,852 to be deposited into a student’s FSA for completing a college degree in Innovation and Technology and an academic, trade or technical specialty before they turn 19 years of age to encourage the completion of a high-quality education earlier in life resulting in higher worker productivity, lifetime earnings and retirement wealth while reducing inequality.


  • Create an online education and testing system to support students in receiving the Education Refund and provide for life-long learning resulting in a greater ability to adapt to change and increase productivity which increases real total compensation, builds retirement wealth and reduces inequality.


  • Eliminate the federal minimum wage for citizens and permanent residents to facilitate full time employment, rapid job skill development and experience accumulation which results in higher long-term total compensation, greater lifetime earnings, increased retirement wealth and lower inequality.


  • Increase the minimum wage for work visas to $22.86 an hour and require a minimum of 40 hours per week in pay to ensure employers are paying a self-supporting wage to immigrant workers and limit job competition for low wage citizens and permanent residents.


  • Increase the overtime threshold to 45 hours per week to reduce the barriers to full time, 40 hours per week, employment for low wage workers so that they have a better opportunity to earn their living at one employer which increases productivity, real total compensation and retirement wealth lowering inequality.


Next Steps...

If you think America's Roadmap can help you, your organization or our nation increase its productivity, add value, and create competitive advantages, please contact us to discuss your needs or visit http://AmericasRoadmap.com for further information.